Webinars for you

What are our Webinars like?

They are online classes on a given topic. We don’t like to waste your time, our Webinars are straight to the point, giving you tips and solid ideas.


  • Duration 30 minutes + questions
  • They’re specific on a topic
  • Explained theory on clinical cases. No tons of written texts.
  • We answer the most common questions
  • You can see them, stop them and rewind them whenever you want

Free Webinar

On the right side,  you can find a Webinar that we think may be interesting for you. Treatment of  4 vertical defects in all diferent areas of the oral cavity:

  • Anterior Maxilla
  • Posterior Maxilla
  • Anterior Mandible
  • Posterior Mandible.

    We hope you like it!